Workshops, Teaching & Lecturing
Equally adept in traditional and innovative binding, Daniel has extensive experience sharing his skills. Please check out the possibilities by exploring the links on the right.
In 1990 Kelm founded the Garage Annex School for Book Arts (GAS) where he offers private study and workshops in his studio The Wide Awake Garage in Easthampton, MA, U.S.A.
Daniel provides private study programs for beginning to advanced students who seek formal instruction. The curriculum is customized according to the student’s needs and experience. Some students come for a couple days, others for a couple years.
Workshops of two to six days are also offered at Daniel’s studio covering a wide range of topics from full leather binding to box making to Kelm’s inventive wire edge binding styles.
Daniel takes many of his workshops on the road. If you are interested in arranging for him to teach and/or lecture at your institution or in your private studio please contact him.